
Guillaume Jaubert
Associate Professor
"It is what it is, I don't mind what happens."
"It is what it is, I don't mind what happens."
2022 Neuro Somatic Transformational Coach Therapist, Soma-Breathwork School
2021 Advance Soma-Breathwork Instructor, Soma-Breathwork School
2020 Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor, School of Positive Transformation
2019 Flip Learning Level 3, Flip Learning Global Initiative
2018 Flip Learning Level 2, Flip Learning Global Initiative
2017 Flip Learning Level 1, Flip Learning Global Initiative
2004 MA, Education and Leadership, University of Provence, Marseille, France
1998 MA, Chemistry/Physics, University of Provence, Marseille, France
1997 BS, Physics, University of Provence, Marseille, France
1995 AS, Industrial Maintenance Engineering, University A. Arthaud, Marseille, France
I have developed a program for the Physics and Engineering Department at Vincennes University through an experiential learning allowing student to send weather balloon into space. I have participated in State, National and International Conferences as a guest speaker to present my expertise in Flip Learning. My latest accomplishment has been to integrate into the meta-strategy flip learning, my expertise in breathwork to give the fundamental tools to student to be centered, grounded and be ready to connect and learn efficiently.
Guillaume Jaubert began working with 澳门足球博彩官方网址 in 2011. He earned his Associate of Science degree in Industrial Maintenance in France in 1995. Guillaume’s Bachelor’s is also from France, which he earned in 1996. In 1997, he received his Master’s in Chemistry/Physics from the University of Provence, France. His equivalent Master in the art of teaching Physics and Chemistry degree was completed in 2005. Guillaume teaches courses here at Vincennes University in College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Quantitative Reasoning.